fun of childhood
Childhood is a picture, the picture we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, the song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, the dream is our imagination and hope. Childhood is a meal, the meal is filled with acid, sweet, bitter, spicy. Childhood is full of fun and childish!
Five years old, my parents and I went to grandma house, at the time of visit, I saw a grandmother in steamed buns. Then, I also asked my grandma I also steamed bread, but grandma said I was too small, don't let me do it. I thought, well, don't let me do, I do.
So, I found a bag of flour, I use first bowl is a bit out of flour, and then to put some water. But I how also can not find water, ah! The bucket of water is quite special, yellow water. (I later learned that the original is "peanut".) But little face how also can't do a steamed bread, I was angry, soliloquize ground to say: "hum, see me how to steam a super big steamed bread let you see!"
So, I put all of the yellow water was poured into the surface of the bag. But due to the surface that is one half of yellow water, so I not stir, I a brainwave, put another bucket of yellow water poured into, so just right. Problem again, how to do? By the way, I lay a clean sheets on the ground, and then pour the face out...... Finally became a steamed bread, but I wonder why you can't change the shape of a another! I changed a apple, I found a similar to red color, chili powder.
I moved out, the apple ride high ground to say: "this is me with a bag of flour, two barrels of yellow water, many red powder" of "the big apple." When my grandma listened to, "halo" in the past.
Childhood is a sugar-coated berry, acid sweet, sweet with acid; Childhood is more like a leaf boat, gone. .....
fun of childhoodChildhood is a picture, the picture we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, the song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, the dream is our imagination and hope. Childhood is a meal, the meal is filled with acid, sweet, bitter, spicy. Childhood is full of fun and childish!Five years old, my parents and I went to grandma house, at the time of visit, I saw a grandmother in steamed buns. Then, I also asked my grandma I also steamed bread, but grandma said I was too small, don't let me do it. I thought, well, don't let me do, I do.So, I found a bag of flour, I use first bowl is a bit out of flour, and then to put some water. But I how also can not find water, ah! The bucket of water is quite special, yellow water. (I later learned that the original is "peanut".) But little face how also can't do a steamed bread, I was angry, soliloquize ground to say: "hum, see me how to steam a super big steamed bread let you see!"So, I put all of the yellow water was poured into the surface of the bag. But due to the surface that is one half of yellow water, so I not stir, I a brainwave, put another bucket of yellow water poured into, so just right. Problem again, how to do? By the way, I lay a clean sheets on the ground, and then pour the face out...... Finally became a steamed bread, but I wonder why you can't change the shape of a another! I changed a apple, I found a similar to red color, chili powder.I moved out, the apple ride high ground to say: "this is me with a bag of flour, two barrels of yellow water, many red powder" of "the big apple." When my grandma listened to, "halo" in the past.Childhood is a sugar-coated berry, acid sweet, sweet with acid; Childhood is more like a leaf boat, gone. .....五年级:谢2b作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1200字以上 五年级 写人
fun of childhoodChildhood is a picture, the picture we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, the song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, the dream is our imagination and hope. Childhood is a meal, the meal is filled with acid, sweet, bitter, spicy. Childhood is full of fun and childish!Five years old, my parents and I went to grandma house, at the time of visit, I saw a grandmother in steamed buns. Then, I also asked my grandma I also steamed bread, but grandma said I was too small, don't let me do it. I thought, well, don't let me do, I do.So, I found a bag of flour, I use first bowl is a bit out of flour, and then to put some water. But I how also can not find water, ah! The bucket of water is quite special, yellow water. (I later learned that the original is "peanut".) But little face how also can't do a steamed bread, I was angry, soliloquize ground to say: "hum, see me how to steam a super big steamed bread let you see!"So, I put all of the yellow water was poured into the surface of the bag. But due to the surface that is one half of yellow water, so I not stir, I a brainwave, put another bucket of yellow water poured into, so just right. Problem again, how to do? By the way, I lay a clean sheets on the ground, and then pour the face out...... Finally became a steamed bread, but I wonder why you can't change the shape of a another! I changed a apple, I found a similar to red color, chili powder.I moved out, the apple ride high ground to say: "this is me with a bag of flour, two barrels of yellow water, many red powder" of "the big apple." When my grandma listened to, "halo" in the past.Childhood is a sugar-coated berry, acid sweet, sweet with acid; Childhood is more like a leaf boat, gone. .....五年级:谢2b1200字以上 五年级 写人
Forever·Childhood·Dream简介“筱萌!等等我!”没错,现在正在喊我的就是我的GM(闺蜜啦)one——陈馨依。“还有我还有我!你们别跑啊!”这是GMtwo宁柠。我们虽然是GM,性格却一点也不一样:我的外表看起来大大咧咧,但其实并不是这样(以后会讲到),反而我是最安静的那个。馨依和宁柠虽然名字听起来很文静,但她们一个总是疯疯癫癫,一个就有时温柔,有时呆板,有时暴怒(词语用得……准吗……)。说起我们的相遇,那个古怪得不得了!开学第一天,我从家里走到学校。因为一直低头,所以就不小心撞到了一个人……“你是猪吗!(没错是感叹句)这么大个人还撞到我啦!走路不看路啊!”你们应该想象到是谁了啊……她旁边的漂亮美眉说:“算了,依,人家又不是故意的。”然后被撞的那个女生说:“柠,你怎么知道她是不是故意的,刚刚你有回头吗!(没错还是感叹句)”【宁柠内心独白:我竟无言以对……】“对不起,对不起,对不起……”我最讨厌这样的自己,从不反驳别人,却怎么也改不了这个毛病。那个被撞的女生说:“算了算了,这次就不跟你计较了,下次可别再撞到人了,我可不确定你下次撞到的那个人会不会像我一样那么仁慈!”我一听,心里那个欢喜,连忙说:“谢谢!没有下次了!”说完,正想绕过她们离开,没想到那个温柔的女生对我伸出了一双手,说:“你好,我叫宁柠,她是我从小玩到大的朋友陈馨依,我们能做朋友吗?”……“冷筱萌!”五年级:然作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载550字 五年级 想像作文
Forever·Childhood·Dream六年级。【上】爸妈又出差了。又是一个孤独的夜晚。习惯关上窗帘的我却将它拉开。我失眠了。天上的星星不怎么多,只有零零散散地几颗随机张开眼睛散发微弱的光芒。我好像听到了月亮哭泣的声音。翻箱倒柜,耳机又不知道被我放哪去了。算了,我拿起手机,刚躺下,似乎压到了一个小小的、硬硬的东西。哦,原来是耳机。把它塞到耳朵里,随便放了一首歌,百般无聊地听着。抱起陪我多年的玩具。那是妈妈送我的。一只狸猫。有一只眼睛的一半掉了,本来想粘起来,又不知道飞哪去了。想到好像是刚买过了一年半载的时候吧,它小屁股的位置开了一个小口,我研究了好久,才用针线草草地把它缝上了。好像是当时自豪的笑穿越到了现在,我也笑了。(这是作者亲身经历啊,狸猫是我的%>_紧紧地把它抱着,好像别人会把我的玩具抢走了似的。不得不承认,我童心未泯啊,别人拿的是化妆品,我拿的是玩具。虽说这样,可我知道,我的内心,不单单只有一个单纯的小人,还有另一个成熟的小人陪着它。如果有人陪我,该多好啊。可惜我又是独生子女,在班里简直陌生得连同学的名字都会想不起来。不过,我知道他们私底下叫我“聪明孤僻内向小公主”,这点我还是有那么一点点自豪的!第二天。又是那些幼稚的课程。我都困得想睡觉了,昨天都没睡好,加上老师讲课讲得像催眠曲。或许是看到我心不在焉的样子吧,英语老师愤怒地叫:“冷筱萌!”“哈?”我站了起来。“哈什么哈!给我翻译,这个句子是什么意思!”我睁开眼睛,打了一个哈欠,说:“英国的首都爱丁堡有一个着名景点,那就是埃菲尔铁塔。”感觉有点不对,然后又说:“老师,你不会吧,小时候光顾着学英语,其它就忘啦?英国的首都是伦敦,而且,埃菲尔铁塔又叫巴黎铁塔,我的记忆里巴黎似乎是法国的吧?”“噗——”那个叫……叫……叫什么来着的那个男生忍不住笑了一声,然后班里就像炸开了锅一样笑起来。老师的脸涨得通红,恼羞成怒,大喊:“冷筱萌!别以为你有那么一点点的聪明就可以肆无忌惮了!你看班里现在成什么样子了!”我摊开手,耸了耸肩,说:“本来就是你教错了嘛!难道你想让我们期末考个全级第一吗?不对,是倒数第一!”这是我第一次反驳老师,感觉不错(盆友们,剧情需要,but,请勿模仿!)哈!没等老师说出半个字,我就不紧不慢地说:“安静!”声音不大,却很清晰。瞬间,就像时间停止了一样,全班静下来。我继续一脸无辜地看着老师,一副“这那么简单”的样子。老师眼睛里好像要喷出一团巨大的火焰一样,我正等着“世界上第一场老师与学生的激烈超级战争”,隔壁班的老师忽然走过来,说:“发生什么事了?”【未完·待续】五年级:然作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1000字 五年级 想像作文
Forever·Childhood·Dream引子当时间沙漏渐渐流逝当命运轮盘缓缓转动当记忆宝盒徐徐关闭当童年时光慢慢消失你,或我,或他,或她还会再见吗星星,玩具都很幼稚吗五年级:然作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载50字 五年级 想像作文
Forever·Childhood·Dream六年级。【中】事实证明,我被请到了办公室去喝茶。记住,是校长办公室,校长办公室哦。“怎么回事?”校长是个男的,看起来好像是二十多岁,但声音很低沉,脸上也有一种不符合他这年龄的严肃……(疯掉,明明已经过了四十)我不说话。因为,我知道英语老师肯定会抢先告状。“@#¥%&=*……事情就是这样。”根本就不是这样!可恶的英语老师,添油加醋。如果在心里可以杀人,我已经将那个杀千刀的剁成千丝万段了。但是,我最爱我这点,心里不管情绪怎样,表面上都是一副蛋定的样纸。“是这样吗?”校长喝了一口茶,说道。我还是不说话,因为我知道那个凑热闹的老师肯定也会抢先回答校长。果然被我猜中了……哦不,不是猜的:“就是这样就是这样。”又是另一个挨千刀的。“我没有问你们!我是问这个同学!”好吧,我承认我听了之后默默地点了点头。就是这样,被冤枉了也不解释(这就是本人的性格)。“叮铃铃!”OMG,下课了!原来我们已经讲了20分钟!“老师……哦不对校长,能先放我出去吗?监狱里太闷而且不要浪费我的课余时间,如果我在这时间段内没看够10页《夏至未至》(好吧,默默地把这本书推荐给大家,最近买的,郭敬明写的)就找你算账!”校长不怒反笑。这时,那个在课堂上第一个笑的那个男生走了进来,说:“爸,没纸画画了,给我几张。”“自己拿去。”那两位老师瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信这一切。好吧,我也有点不敢相信,但和她们不同,我不敢相信的是……校长十几岁就生孩子了?好吧,校长保养的很好。“我刚刚听见了你们的谈话,英语老师说的都不属实。”“怎么说?”然后,他们两父子旁若无人地聊了起来……“就是这样。”“原来是这样,那这位同学,你刚刚为什么不解释?”我还是那个动作,摊开手,耸了耸肩。“爸……校长,那冷同学可以走了吗?”校长好像有点诧异,不知是因为我的姓氏还是什么。“嗯。”走回班级的路上。我们一片沉默,一片尴尬。but,不是我不想说话,而是我不知道他到底叫什么……大脑快速地转了一下,还是没寻找出来……“不知道他们在里面讲了什么。”他打破了寂静。不对,不是寂静,是我们两个之间的寂静。“嗯。”我敷衍了一句,然后快步走到班里。刚好,上课铃打了。我在心里骂了几百遍那两个老师加上一个校长。【未完·待续】五年级:然作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载900字 五年级 想像作文
Tug of warLooking forward to the stars and look forward to the moon finally look forward to Thursday afternoon. Although the heat outside like a hot pan on the ants but students be jubilant energetic and rushed under the floor.After the one three grade competition is we the fifth grade. Our team members walking to the court lined up in battle.The court see the opponent by one eyed pursed her lips calm demeanor. The eager to look see they must enjoy the release of their spirit strength. They look different and some slightly nodded thoughtful and like in considering how to cooperate with each other to defeat the enemy; some eye such as bells dignified as if in the dark under the determination pledged to 5000 class six wins in one fell swoop brave struggle; some clenched fists brave and capable as if ready to battle with rivals. "Both players immediately clutched the rope tight when time seems to have solidified" Du "-- sports teacher solemnly sounded the whistle bold whistle There is expectation and trust in the middle.The beginning of the game see our class players all flushed and exert all over skill really "Air Force Nukiyama come matchless" momentum. 5000 six class also not to be outdone they frowned wash the oath before a tug of war of shame.Such a fierce battle but reside in cheerleading is seething busy awfully "hundred and five gas!." "5000 six refueling!." this one after another cheering sinks are intertwined campus currently voices the breathtaking scene can with a pair of the couplet is vividly described: "cheers shouts cheers sound deafening enthusiasm passion friendship Qingqing blending."Then ears heard the voice: 5000 V for victory the see our class team one glaring eyes circle stare eyes sparkling with light for victory!The journey of autumn and the way back on fire. The tug of war seething!1200字以上 五年级 叙事
Out of SchoolNow more and more children in the countryside are out of school. One of the reasons is that their parents haven't much money to afford their school. They have to stay at home to earn money to support their families. What a pity!And another reason is that many parents think it is useless for girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. On the other hand, some children are not interested in their lessons and would not like to go to school. I think all the children, including girls, should have the right to receive education. We have the duty to lend them a hand when they are in trouble. All the people should pay attention to the education of children who will play a very important part in the future of our country. 现在,越来越多的农村孩子失学了。一个原因是因为他们的父母没有很多的钱供他们上学,他们不得不在家里赚钱养家。太可怜了。另外叶个原因就是很多家长都认为读书对女孩子没用,所以不让她们读书。另一方面,一些孩子对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。我认为所有的孩子(包括女孩)都有权利接受教育。我们有义务在他们困难时伸出手来帮助他们。人们应当重视孩子的教育问题,因为他们对国家的未来将起到非常重要的作用。Now in the country areas, there are more and more children out of school. The reasons vary. First, many of the parents are too poor to send their children to school and children have to stay at home to get money to support their families. Second, many parents think it useless for girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. Finally, some children are not interested in their lessons and would not like to go school. I think children are the future of our country and all the children including girls should have the opportunities to receive education. Knowledge can change the life of a person. I hope more attention will be paid to the solution of the problem, because children will play a very important part in the future of our country. 现在在农村,越来越多的孩子失学了。造成这种情况的原因很多。首先,许多父母太穷了,无法送他们的孩子上学,孩子们不得不在家赚钱养家。另外一个原因是很多家长都认为读书对女孩子无用,所以不让她们读书。最后一个原因是有些孩子对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。我认为孩子是国家的未来,所有的孩子(包括女孩)都应有机会接受教育。知识能改变人的命运。我希望人们应更重视孩子上学问题的解决,因为他们对国家的未来将起到非常重要的作用。1200字以上 高三 抒情散文
Beauty of winter_1200字The arrival of the winter mean flowers can't show her beauty to us, green grass can not be straightened. Alive and kicking animal also lost his excitement, only quietly in the hole. A few leaves on the branches of the very few, difficult to stand in the branches. The cold wind blowing branches, li long leaves can't hold. Finally, it does not care to leave the branch.Today's sky is not yesterday's gloomy. Soon the sky filled with snow. A white snowflake like a lovely little spirit, from the sky calmly jumped down. Them by twos and threes together, dance, dancing, how leisurely comfortable ah! See the beautiful scene, I can not help but run outside hand, small so as to catch the flawless white snow. I see this scene to: the delicate six snowflake from who's skilled? And who put their flying in the sky? Ah, snow, has been under a non-stop, as if to tell people: she most want to come to the world, on earth leave white marks. The snow like spring flowers as beautiful as summer, flying like butterflies, like autumn leaves as chic. Don't underestimate the snow Oh, she also quietly for the winter dress: the house dressed as an ice house, the clear lake dress up into a big mirror.Winter is beautiful! A snow company, and can see the naughty cute child. I like winter, I am looking forward to the coming of the next winter, do you? Do you like it?高二:王静作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1200字以上 高二
Love in the period of Cholera_霍乱时期的爱情读后感Through the description of Hermias lover and a wonderful dialogue between the woman and the doctor, the author expresses the deep meaning of love. "She was like a piece of sculpture, such as snake eyes, fearless wrapped in black, ears dont roses." It can be seen that her sacrifice to the death of her lover and her deep love for him. In fact, she knew he would end his own life, and accompany their love life in the last eleven months of the time is how cruel give dying kicks. Thats why she can be so calm and so calm after her lovers death. With her own words, "I love him too much." Its enough!The beginning of the novel, I went straight into the narrative state: from the Antilles exiles, photographer Jeremy de Amor - Asian children before the sixty birthday Dutch act as poison, his best friends, Juvenal entered the Urbino doctor dead room is the smell of a bitter almond smell, it reminds him of love is the fate. According to friends will see the doctor with a humble admiration and the gentle touch of his life as a woman doctor - his best friend, Juvenal Urbino doctor didnt know that the photographer has such a woman, the woman calmly with his wife after the last half of the game, and then leave him alone quietly meet death. This is the first legendary love that appears in the novel. A sudden rainstorm disturbed the doctors disciples solemn and luxurious work. 25th anniversary, a commemorative luncheon. After that, a parrot flying out of the cage made a mess of the doctors gorgeous and comfortable home and the doctors life. After the doctors funeral, his doctor Phil Minna Dassa away the last guest, is being prepared last effort to shut the door, saw the mourning stand in the central living room empty Florentino Ariza - the latter, trembling and solemn hat into the chest position for a long time, let him live support the lovesickness burst out altogether.The book makes me feel the deepest is Ariza for Phil Minna to end love. When young Ariza obsessed for the beloved girl Phil Minna Chafanbusi, tossing and turning, and repeated recitation has learned by heart the love poems. So when first engaged in shipping work, Ariza written document reads like a love letter, although he deliberately avoided, but from his pen business letters still revealed a lyrical atmosphere. In 51 years, 9 months and 4 days long, Ariza always looking forward to return to the ideal of love, but after a long wait, the endless yearning, old old Ariza still need to face frustration and embarrassment again.Love has been a fascinating topic since ancient times. Countless legends and beautiful stories do not stop people from thinking about love. What is really great about the love in the period of cholera? Its probably the philosophy of life under the long time span and experience and the endless love of immortality.版权作品,未经《99作文网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。1200字以上 初中
咱的五一咱的Fun,咱的五一不一样_1200字五一的到来,有那么几分匆忙。只想起去年的五一还是在舟山度过的。几度朝夕。一晃,又是一年。今天本想着随便随便得打打球玩玩游戏就过去了。毕竟他们也很忙。中午,老爸说“我有点忙,就带你去摸田螺好了‘’对此。我有点喜出望外这是出乎意料的嘛。几个对话间就决定傍晚出发。。。几个小时的车程,一个又一个的弯,随着盘山公路如银蛇一般在山际乱舞,车外的景色仿佛都是千篇一律。每一个路口仿佛都是似曾相识。幽静的大山中,只有几处破落的房屋还有远处山顶的几条黄色这里,留下的只有时间的痕迹。无论何时,自然地力量总是碾压着文明。转过几个弯便是一些梯田。工业文明的兴起导致着这里的没落。杂草肆无忌惮地生长着,腐烂的竹竿暗示着这里往日也有着健全的灌溉系统。田埂上少了些黑呼呼的黏土多了几分黄色的沙石。田中也只有水草在耀武扬威的炫耀着这里是它的领地。下田前,遇到了几位老人坐在石头上聊着天。他们的头发上衣服上腿上都是泥渣。显然,他们还在辛勤劳动着,可就凭他们那风烛残年的力量又怎能改变这里的没落的趋势呢。不久,便和老爸在田间摸索起来。双腿在田间飞舞,留下只有刷刷的水花声和泥渣落田的吧吧声。父亲看我那么急。笑骂道:干这些活,要慢一些,心思要平静一些,不然会错过很多的。听着我尝试着放宽心,在水坑中慢慢摸索。渐渐的,我放慢了速度。回想着,自己是那么傻,学校里家里被琐事所迷茫,被虚假所蒙蔽,被情绪所折磨。这一切,又何苦呢。干嘛要那么急呢,放宽心来。谁都不过是沧海一粟,我们不是伟人,无需困扰在天下苍生的问题前,我们又不必须是君子。又何必一副道高德重的样子。一切本有所谓只有合适的放肆心灵,才能让心灵得到升华,不需要伪装,不需要敷衍,需要的仅仅是做自己。渐渐,手间多了些田螺。一晃,只剩夕阳。准备退出田地时,一不小心,由于不知道淤泥是那么深。几秒钟淤泥便已经漫过大腿不经有些惊慌’。恰好父亲刚好走过,说道,要不要拉你一下。我盲目的点点头。牵着那双厚重的双手。这手是那么的陌生却是又是那么的熟悉。那掌间的温暖直系我的心灵。只感受到一股磅礴巨力把我从淤泥中拉起。看着自己的双手,没有比父亲小多少了。但看到他的手还是不自觉生起一种依赖感。是的,多少年没有牵过他的手了啊,随着年龄的增大彼此的距离也越来越远。已经不知道上一次牵他的手是哪年哪月了,只知道握着他的手,很温馨,很幸福。虽然在家中,我们的微笑少了许多,多了那些唠叨与压力。但此刻,那一抹温纯已悄然把我心中的那块冰融化。诶,自己的烦恼算什么,有了父亲,那便是有了世界!赤着脚踩在田埂上,看向远方。那抹斜阳挂在两座大山之间照耀在远处山坡上的一颗树上。那耀眼的金黄色把树上的绿色所取代。急切地奔跑在随时会塌方的田根上。脚底沙石所带来的不适早已麻木,毛剌剌的草滑过我的双腿,只留下几条整齐的红线,痛却快乐着。在这大山深处,只有风吹过的呼呼声,少了分喧嚣多了几分宁静。那幽幽的叹息仿佛诉说着前世今生。收起那玩世不恭的笑脸。回想着所谓的对与错,留下得,依旧只有几声微弱的叹息。是啊,在这大千世界中,父母永远是最值得信赖的。静下心来,享受这那有一秒是一秒的温情,人,要学会满足。叹息的生活中有那么几丝微笑,那便是赚了~斜晖脉脉,而我依然坚信:人定胜天!初三:仁本凄凉作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1200字以上 初三 日记