

  • 当幸福来敲门 《The Pursuit of Happyness 》



    (The son is playing basketball with his father.)(父子两在打篮球.)

    The son:"Hey,Dad.I’m going Pro.I’m going Pro."(嗨,爸爸我要当职业篮球运动员!)

    The father:"Okay.Yeah,I don’t know,you know.You’ll probably be about as good as I was.That’s kind of the way it works,you know.I was below average.You know,so you’ll probably ultimately rank somewhere around there,you know,so ...I really...You’ll excel at a lot of things,just not this.I don’t want you shooting this ball all day and night.All right?"(好吧,我不知道,你知道吗,你的程度跟我差不多也.我小时候篮球打得很烂,所以你大概也不会好到哪里去.你能做别的,但不是职业篮球.我不想你成天打球,好吗?)

    The son:"All right."(好吧.)

    The father:"Okay.All right,go ahead."(投篮吧!)

    (The son is upset.After thinking for a while,the father changes his mind.) (儿子很沮丧,思考了一会,爸爸改变了他的主意.)

    The father:"Hey.Don’t ever let somebody tell you ...you can’t do something.Not even me.All right?"(嗨,别让别人跟你说你成不了大器,即使我也不行,好吗?)

    The son:"All right."

    The father:"You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it.Period."(你有梦想的话,你就得守护它.那些自己没有成才的人会说你也成不了才.你想要什么的话,努力去得到它.说完了.)